Social Media Accelerator - Updated 2019.PNG

A unique photo technology to give your guests a memorable experience at your next event

• SMS Download Service

• novasoma photography will photograph the guests at your next event and provide them with a customised printed card

• This card will have a number so guests can SMS to download their photo straight to their phone. Guests will receive image within moments.

• Customise the SMS message delivered to guests. Add your event hashtag i.e. #ladieslunch

• Guests can upload a new high resolution professional photo to their Instagram / Facebook / or any other social media platform within a matter of minutes

• Unlimited number of photos per guest

• Minimum 4 hour hire

10 Reasons Why its GREAT

  • Increase Brand Awareness.

  • Increase Customer and Audience Engagement. As your guests start sharing their photos on their social media platforms. Likes, comments and shares will expose your brand to new audiences.

  • Increase Social Media Traffic. High quality images uploaded straight to social media using your handle and hashtag.

  • High Quality Content for you to promote. Use the professional photos afterwards for your social media strategy. Represent your brand at its best.

  • Make a Memorable Event. Stand apart from your Competitors. Surprise and delight guests with a new photography experience.

  • Connect with your Customers instantly.

  • Measurable ROI on your Event Expenditure.

  • Valuable Reporting and Analytics.

  • Spark More Conversations with your customers and Generate Leads.

  • Boost customer base.

Any questions or comments?

Feel free to contact us anytime.

We would love to hear from you!
